
A Generalist and Multidisciplinary Approach

Boda 5 Estrellas: graphic design & layout for this Spanish wedding magazine

Years 2001 and 2002

La Pasarela Puerta de Atocha: the best bridal fashion event in Madrid

During these years, I had the opportunity to work as art director and graphic designer for the magazine Boda 5 Estrellas directed by Damián Caballero, who was also the organizer of the event Pasarela Puerta de Atocha that took place in the station of the same name in Madrid. I worked in the 3 editions. In one of them in collaboration with my great friend and designer Francis Fernández.

Imágenes del evento Pasarela de Atocha en Madrid.
Images taken during the bridal fashion event Pasarela Puerta de Atocha. Place: Atocha Station, Madrid. Year 2002. Photography by © EQfuentes.
Portadas de las 3 Ediciones realizadas de la revista <em>Boda 5 Estrellas</em>.
Covers corresponding to the 3 editions of Boda 5 Estrellas magazine..
La Reina Restaurant
Oma Restaurant
Christian Lacroix
Ángel Schlesser
Agatha Ruíz de la Prada
Hannibal Laguna
Victorio y Lucchino
Pasarela Puerta de Atocha
Wedding list
Pasarela Puerta de Atocha
Ritz Hotel
Gaztelubide Restaurant
Elidio hairdressers
Staff magazine Boda 5 Estrellas
Staff magazine Boda 5 Estrellas
Staff magazine Boda 5 Estrellas